Tips to Help You Choose Good Luck Gifts

What is the perfect good luck gift? What about a good luck gift for students or athletes? There are so many options out there and it can be difficult to find just what you need. This blog post will provide some tips on choosing a good luck gift that they’ll love!

Things to mind about Good luck Gifts

1. What is your budget for the gift?

Some people have a hard time finding good luck gifts on a tight budget. The best thing to do is find items that are inexpensive but suit the person you’re buying for.

  • If they love coffee, then get them some overpriced beans! It doesn’t matter if they can’t tell the difference between it and Folgers – just make sure not to buy cheap ones or else your gift will end up being insulting rather than thoughtful. This would work well as an office present too so be creative with this one!
  • Another idea could be getting them their favorite candy bar in bulk so when times get tough they have some sweets to ease their minds
  • You can also buy them any little trinkets from the dollar store if you don’t want to break the bank but still want to give someone a thoughtful gift.
We all know that athletes need good luck to be successful. We got you covered with twelve gifts of luck they will love! These are perfect for the athlete in your life who needs a little extra help on their way to victory. Whether it's a gift card, motivational quote or reminder to practice, these gifts will inspire them and make sure everyone knows how ready they are!  #good luck gifts for athletes

If you want to go with more expensive ones, the choices are plenty:

  • A good luck charm bracelet is always a good idea, especially if you know what their favorite mantra or symbol is!
  • A small jar of silver and gold flakes would be really nice too. It’s an obvious way to show that they’re special because it comes with the luck embedded in it – who doesn’t want some extra good fortune?
  • Something else to consider for more expensive gifts could be tickets to see their favorite artist perform at concert
  • A lucky stone is a good idea too, especially if they’re into the new age stuff.
  • Maybe some nice earrings? They’ll have those niceties to make themselves feel better when times get tough.
  • Or most importantly: don’t forget about thoughtful cards! Give them something sentimental like a card containing your own personal message or words of encouragement.

It doesn’t matter how much it costs as long as it shows you were thinking about them!

2. Is the person you are buying for superstitious or not?

If the person you are buying for is superstitious, then they’ll love receiving a good luck gift that has meaning to them.

  • For instance, if you are finding good luck gifts for athletes who need good luck before each game or race it would be nice to get them something like their team’s mascot figurine or jersey!
  • Good luck gifts for students would be something like their favorite candy or snacks. They’ll appreciate the thoughtfulness and will always have it on hand when they need an extra boost to make sure they ace that exam!
Send your kids off to school with a little luck in their pocket. Here are some funny and silly good luck gifts that will make them feel like they're walking on sunshine! #good luck gifts for students

If the item does not have significant meaning, these might work:

  • An office present where everyone can enjoy the same thing.
  • This works really well with items such as pens and postcards – these things are in every office desk and they’re a little more thoughtful instead of just getting them the newest Harry Potter book
  • A good luck charm bracelet is always awesome too!
  • If you want to include your own personal message or words of encouragement, then get an overpriced card with that sentiment on it.

If you know what kind of things are important in your loved one’s life then go ahead and get them something from there too.

3. Does this person have any allergies to specific materials, such as leather or wool?

This is something to keep in mind if you are buying a good luck gift for someone with allergies.

  • For example, if the person has an allergy to wool then getting them knitting supplies would be perfect!
  • If not, than any other type of yarn materials will do.

Keep this in mind when choosing what they want or else it might end up being just another thing that gets thrown into their closet never to see the light again because it’s unusable and can’t be returned.

4. What kind of things does the person do in their spare time

  • If the person you are buying for is into sports, then getting them tickets to their favorite team’s next game would be a good idea.
  • If they like gardening and have spare time in-between working on other projects, then getting them some new plants or seeds might also work well! Some plants are said to bring luck and wealth to your home: palm, Pachira Money Tree, Lucky Bamboo…
  • Some other good ideas would be an embroidered tea towel, lucky cat figurine (or any of these things) for more practical people who need all that good fortune going their way while doing mundane chores such as cooking dinner every night or watering plants while out on vacation…

Just take into consideration what the person likes doing because this can help determine what the perfect gift will be – not only that but it’ll show your thoughtfulness as well by taking note of something important to them rather than just giving an arbitrary present without much meaning behind it.

5. Do they use a lot of electronics?

If the person you are buying for is always on their laptop or phone

  • A good idea would be to get them an external battery pack so they can keep it charged when needed. It’s perfect because not only will this help extend their phone battery life but also give them more freedom in choosing what technology to use at any given time – and if there power goes out suddenly, then they’ll have some back-up!
  • There could be other items that fit just as well like Bluetooth speakers or different cables/wires (depending on what type of tech)
"You might want to give a good luck gift and not because they need it. This is your chance for some funny gifts that will make them laugh when you see the puzzled look on their face as they open it up. You know, just in case things don't go well with the interview or if they get called into work unexpectedly. Here are our favorite picks!
 #funny good luck gifts"

6. Do you want something more personal and thoughtful?

If you are close enough to the recipient, more personal and thoughtful items would leave deeper impression.

  • To do this, just find out what their birthstone or favorite animal is and then either have it carved into the necklace or even engraved with “good luck” on the back of it – depending on where the stone falls!
  • One could be a customized good luck charm, like the recipient’s initial or favorite animal.
  • If you want to go all out with this idea then why not get them their own custom engraved lucky bracelet?
  • Some other ideas would be: A hand-made totem of their favorite things (like what are some hobbies), a keychain with your message inside, a plaque with words/message on the front side…the possibilities are endless here. Just have fun with these funny good luck gifts.


I hope this article has shown you how to choose good luck gifts. Please feel free to comment below if there are any questions that remain unanswered or anything else we can help with!

Frequently Asked Questions about Good luck Gifts

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