Gifts for PC Gamers: Ideas & Tips

Finding gifts for PC gamers can be difficult. The best gifts are not always the most expensive ones, so here is a list of ideas and tips to help you find that perfect gaming gift!

Things to mind about gifts for PC gamers

1. Consider the game genre

What genre does your gamer play?

  • If you don’t know, then consider the genre that they have played in the past and enjoy. A game’s genre can provide a lot of insight into what gifts for pc gamers your gamer might be interested in.
  • For example, someone who loves MMORPGs would benefit from gifts like new video games or more powerful PC hardware to support their favorite games
  • FPS players may want a subscription to Twitch Prime or some extra gear so they can play with friends online.

2. Know what games they already have

Some gifts for pc gamers may be more useful to them than others. If you know what games they already have, then it’ll make selecting gifts much easier on you!

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  • For example, a player who has played World of Warcraft or Star Wars: The Old Republic will appreciate gifts like new expansions or in-game items (such as exclusive mounts) that are only available through the game’s online store.
  • Meanwhile an indie gamer might enjoy gifts such as graphic novels based off their favorite franchises from Steam (or other marketplaces).
  • If your friend is always playing something specific and enjoys collecting every piece of merch related to it, then consider finding collectibles which would also work well as best gifts for pc gamers 2021

3. Play their favorite games with them to see if you can pick up on any hints about other games they might like 

If you’re not sure what gifts for pc gamers to get your friend, then I recommend playing their favorite games with them. It’ll be the best way to figure out which gifts they might want and need most that will also help make a great gaming experience even better.

  • If someone really enjoys Overwatch while playing with friends in an MMORPG-focused guild, it’s safe to assume that they would love gifts like new skins or more powerful hardware for Blizzard games so they can play as soon as possible!

You should take note of these hints when picking gifts because remember: gift giving is all about making somebody happy 🙂

4. Check out reviews of new releases and look for things that are missing from their collection (new genres, series, etc) 

As with gifts for pc gamers 2021, one effective way is to buy them new releases to level up their game.

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  • For example, someone may want gifts for pc gamers like a new first-person shooter game that has just come out in order to level up their skills.
  • Likewise, if they’ve played everything from World of Warcraft but haven’t tried Diablo III yet, then it would be an excellent idea to buy them gifts related to the franchise so they can try something new!

If you find yourself looking at potential gifts and having trouble picking what your friend might enjoy most or need most  (or maybe there’s no time left because Christmas is quickly approaching), I recommend checking out reviews of upcoming games and look for things that are missing from their collection. For example: gifts for pc gamers that are missing from their collection could be gifts related to a new genre or series.

5. Find a way to get them something physical – it’s not just about the game! 

Even though game is your recipient’s ultimate interest, gifts don’t always have to be game related.

  • Money gifts are also a great idea for pc gamers who would prefer them!
  • For example, if they’re an avid player of World of Warcraft then consider getting them something like the Collector’s Edition or some sort of in-game purchase that takes their interests into account.

The best gifts are not always the most expensive ones! Consider getting them something small but cute (like this adorable cat keychain) or think outside of gaming such as stocking stuffers (this post has ideas).

6. Be careful when buying used or refurbished items

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While gifts for pc gamers can be relatively inexpensive, it’s always better to spend a little more if you want something that is guaranteed.

  • If you go with pc accessory gifts, make sure it’s compatible with their current computer
  • Consider buying new gifts or refurbished items if possible so they know the product will work well and has been sanitized before use
  • If your friend values their time then consider gifting them one of these cool gaming gadgets because there are some fun things out there!

A few last words

I hope this post has helped you find the perfect gift for your gaming friends or family member. If not, maybe it will help inspire a new idea! What are some of your favorite PC games? Let me know in the comments below and we can brainstorm ideas together. Happy Holidays!

Frequently Asked Questions about Gifts for PC gamers

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