A Guide to Book Club Gift Exchange Ideas

This book club gift exchange ideas guide is designed to help book clubs find the perfect book-themed gifts for their next book swap. Whether you’re looking for a book themed gift or just some bookish inspiration, this list of great book club gift ideas should have something that suits your fancy!

Considerations when choosing book club gift exchange

1. What is your book club’s theme this year

Some book clubs choose a theme for the year and then select books that fit into their chosen category. Other book clubs enjoy reading any book on their list, no matter what it is about or who wrote it.

  • If the theme is Mystery Book Club Ideas, you can choose a book like The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes.
  • If the theme is Science Fiction Book Club Ideas, you can choose a book like Jurassic Park.
  • If your club goes with Romantic Suspense Gift Exchange Ideas, then book choices might include Outlander or The Girl on the Train.

Some book clubs enjoy reading any book on their list, no matter what it is about or who wrote it. There are also some book clubs that use themes for each meeting so members know in advance what to bring along for discussion and as preparation before they start reading with other club members at the next meetup.

Book Club Gift Exchange

2. Does the person you are buying for have any allergies or dietary restrictions

Consider the book club member’s dietary restrictions and allergies when choosing a book gift. Many bookstores, like Barnes & Noble or Amazon offer an option to search for books that are gluten-free or vegan! If you only know that they have food allergies but not what type of diet they follow then you can always stick with book choices from your own shelf as well.

3. Do they like to cook, read, craft, etc.? 

You can never go wrong with a gift supporting your recipient’s interest.

  • If they like to cook, a book about how to cook delicious meals could be the perfect gift.
  • If your book club member likes crafting, you can get them crafty book related gifts or supplies such as yarn and knitting needles!
  • If they like to read, book club gift ideas can be books that match their interests or a book you loved! You could also give them an Amazon Kindle and download some of your favorite reads onto it.
  • Or provide book-related gifts such as the book themed jewelry below:

A pair of retro cat eye glasses make for quirky accessory choice for someone who likes to dress up when going out with friends.

Bookish bracelets are available in many styles including these popular ones made from old library cards and ripped pages found on torn paper scraps.

4. Research what other people in your book club are buying as gifts and find something that has a similar price point

As this is a book exchange occasion, you should get something as pricey as other members, so that no one feels pressured to receive a too-expensive gift.

You may ask other pals in book club which kind of book-themed present they choose for this occasion to get a better insight.

But remember your gift should be more personal than just getting them another copy of their favorite novel.

5. Consider getting the person a gift basket

This is a list of book club gift ideas that will have your friends rolling in the laughter. We all know how much we love our books so why not get them something they'll enjoy? You could even make it really easy and give them a book store gift card as their present. It's the perfect way to show what you think about reading, which I'm assuming means you like it pretty well if you're on this site looking for some help with gifts. So go ahead and find out what else might be great for your friend who loves to read!  #book club gift basket

By this way, you can get them anything they want while still sticking to your budget!

How about preparing a book club gift basket? With lots of things in it, you can make sure your friend will enjoy the gift as much as possible.

The basket items vary depending on your recipient’s age and hobbies.

  • For instance, if they are a bookworm who likes to read while eating dessert, you can put in some candy and cookies.
  • If the person is into crafting or has been meaning to start knitting but never got round to it-you can get them yarn and needles!

6. Money doesnt really matter

Remember – if it’s not too expensive and it means something special to the recipient then it doesn’t matter how much money was spent on it! So you can take it easy and choose gifts that suit your budget.

If you dont want to spend too much:

  • Book club gift cards are always a good option.
  • A book-exclusive membership to services like Kindle Unlimited is another great idea!
  • You can also combine book gifts with experiences such as tickets for an author reading or exclusive insider access passes, if they’re not too expensive and you know your book lover will enjoy them.
"I'm sorry, we can't afford to buy you an Amazon gift card." Stop. This is not your average book club. Here are some thoughtful gifts that won't break the bank and will make everyone feel like they're getting something special! #book club gift card

If you want to go with more expensive choices, book club book-themed jewelry is a great idea!

  • For example, the bookworm who loves reading while eating dessert will love this literary ice cream cone necklace.
  • Or if you want to go with something more unique like bookish bracelets made from old library cards and ripped pages found on torn paper scraps.

If your book club member has all of these things at home already then consider giving them an Amazon Kindle so they can download their favorite reads onto it! People are often excited about getting new books for themselves or as gifts, but always remember that just because you’re buying someone a book doesn’t mean it needs to be in physical form–you can also give them a gift card for online bookstore services.

A few last words

Please note that these are just some book group ideas – there are many more book themed gifts out there so don’t feel limited by this list! Let us know what kind of book group gift idea inspires you in the comments section below! Add any other good ones too 🙂 Remember it’s all about finding something truly meaningful for someone else who reads as much as we do!!! Happy reading!!

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